The Adams Stone Barn, Dracut Junction, Montana

 Come find out what all is going on—

Learn more about the work that is planned —

Support this beautiful piece of history with your membership—

Your ideas and suggestions are welcomed.

We are looking for photos of the Adams Barn!  If you have any that you are willing to share or copy or donate, please let Bob Milford know at 406-788-0876 or e-mail at or bring them to the meeting!

 Become involved!

6:30 p.m.
LDS CHURCH in Fairfield

 For more information, please contact Bob Milford at 406-788-0876 or e-mail at

November 4, 2019 Meeting

Sun River Valley Historical Society

 I was unable to attend yesterday and greatly appreciate Dianne providing me with summary notes of the meeting.  Dianne’s official minutes will be read at the next regular meeting, scheduled for Monday, January 6, 2020. 

The big item of discussion was of a Christmas get-together planned for Monday, December 2nd, at the Sun River Valley Community Center in Fort Shaw, at 2:00 pm.  Members are asked to bring snacks.  Ida is looking into possibly having entertainment.

 Ida also reminded us that a Teddy Roosevelt re-enactor will be at the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center on Tuesday, November 12, at 7 p.m.

 A meeting of the Adams Stone Barn organization is also scheduled for November 12th.  This meeting will be held at the LDS church in Fairfield at 6:30 p.m.  See info below.

Bob Milford has requested photos of the Adams Barn.  These can be copies.  Any are much appreciated! 

SRVHS will be obtaining clean, galvanized cans for acid-free storage (and, hopefully, mouse-proof!), courtesy of the History Museum in Great Falls.

Burnette displayed an album of historical papers recently donated to the Society.

 Larry Guilbault is developing a list of the books available for check-out.  When available, this list will be placed on the website—members can review and contact Larry to check out any book they want to read from the list.

Lynn Preston cut and donated wood for the upstairs bedroom in the Commanding Officers’ Quarters.  The wood will be used for the floor and some on the walls.  Thanks Lynn, greatly appreciated!

 It was suggested that we come up with a “Needs” list to be placed on the Facebook/website.  It is hoped that someone may want to donate to one or more of the items.  We also need to come up with a list of projects for the future.  Alan Rollo may be meeting with the Board to in development of a plan of projects.  Watch for further developments.

There is no regular meeting in December.  Next meeting as noted above.  Be sure to come out for the Christmas Get Together on Dec. 2nd !  More pictures to follow.